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Phân tích "Some people think that foreign visitors should be charged more than locals when they visit culture and tourist attractions in a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?" IELTS WRITING TASK 2

June 29, 2023

Bên cạnh Phân tích +kèm sửa bài"The table below shows the number of visitors in the UK and their average spending from 2003 to 2008" IELTS WRITING TASK 1 (table), IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Phân tích "Some people think that foreign visitors should be charged more than locals when they visit culture and tourist attractions in a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?" IELTS WRITING TASK 2.

I. Đề bài

Some people think that foreign visitors should be charged more than locals when they visit culture and tourist attractions in a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

II. Kiến thức liên quan

IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn:

III. Phân tích

  • Dạng opinion essay thì đã rất quen thuộc với các bạn học sinh lớp IELTS ONLINE WRITING 1 KÈM 1 của IELTS TUTOR rồi nhé.
  • Dạng opinion essay, nếu theo hướng TOTALLY DISAGREE có thể bố cục bài như sau:
    • Body 1: Nêu lí do thứ 1 vì sao TOTALLY DISAGREE
      • Main idea: Charging different prices based on nationality or residency can be seen as discriminatory. 
        • Supporting idea: It may create a sense of inequality and unfair treatment among tourists.
        • Example: In some European countries, museums and other tourist attractions charge different prices for EU citizens and non-EU citizens. This can be seen as discriminatory because it implies that EU citizens are more valuable than non-EU citizens.
    • Body 2: Nêu lí do thứ 2 vì sao TOTALLY DISAGREE
      • Main idea: Implementing higher fees for foreign visitors could potentially harm the destination's image and reputation. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý CÁCH DÙNG "HARM / HARMFUL" TIẾNG ANH
        • Supporting idea: It may discourage international tourists from visiting and give the impression of being unwelcoming or exploitative.
        • Example: 
          • In 2018, Venice implemented a "tourist tax" of $3 per day for all visitors. The tax was also met with criticism, with some tourists calling it a "cash grab." The tax also led to some negative press coverage, which damaged Venice's reputation as a tourist destination.
          • In 2019, Thailand implemented a "visa on arrival" fee of $30 for all visitors from China. The fee was met with criticism from some Chinese tourists, who felt that it was discriminatory and unfair. The fee also led to some negative press coverage, which damaged Thailand's reputation as a tourist destination.

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