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Phân tích "Nowadays, medical research projects are funded in order to improve medicine and treatment. To help produce effective medication in order to improve health and tackle with various disease, in your opinion, do you think that research should be carried by private companies, individuals or government?" IELTS WRITING TASK 2

September 28, 2023

Bên cạnh Phân tích"Some people do not mind to spend their leisure time with their colleagues while some people prefer to keep their private life separate from their work life. Is it a great idea to spend leisure time with your colleagues?"IELTS WRITING (kèm bài viết thi thật HS đạt 6.0), IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Phân tích "Nowadays, medical research projects are funded in order to improve medicine and treatment. To help produce effective medication in order to improve health and tackle with various disease, in your opinion, do you think that research should be carried by private companies, individuals or government?" IELTS WRITING TASK 2.

I. Đề bài

Nowadays, medical research projects are funded in order to improve medicine and treatment. To help produce effective medication in order to improve health and tackle with various disease, in your opinion, do you think that research should be carried by private companies, individuals or government?

II. Kiến thức liên quan

III. Phân tích

  • Dạng opinion essay thì đã rất quen thuộc với các bạn học sinh lớp IELTS ONLINE WRITING 1 KÈM 1 của IELTS TUTOR rồi nhé
    • Body 1: Vì sao Government phù hợp
      • Main idea 1: Government-funded research is often guided by public health interests and the greater good. 
        • Supporting idea: This can help ensure that research priorities align with the needs of society.>> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn PHÂN TÍCH ĐỀ THI 30/5/2020 IELTS WRITING TASK 2 (kèm bài sửa HS đạt 6.5)
        • Example: The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a U.S. government agency, receives federal funding to conduct research on various health topics, aligning its priorities with societal needs, including cancer, infectious diseases, and mental health, resulting in significant public health advances like vaccines and cancer treatments.
      • Main idea 2: Government agencies can provide stable funding for long-term research projects, reducing the influence of short-term profit motives.
        • Supporting idea: 
          • Government agencies are typically driven by a commitment to the public interest and improving the well-being of society. 
          • They prioritize research projects that have long-term benefits for public health, safety, and welfare, rather than immediate profitability.
    • Body 2: Vì sao private companies phù hợp
      • Main idea 1: Private pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are often driven by profit motives. >> IELTS TUTOR có hướng dẫn kĩ SỬA BÀI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 ĐỀ THI THẬT NGÀY 22/8/2020 của HS IELTS TUTOR đạt 6.5 Writing
        • Supporting idea: This can lead to efficiency and innovation in drug development, as they have the resources and incentives to bring new medications to market quickly.
        • Example: The rapid development of the COVID-19 vaccine by private pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, driven by profit motives, showcased how competition can lead to efficient and innovative drug development, addressing a critical global need in record time.
      • Main idea 2:  Competition among private companies can result in a variety of treatment options for consumers.
        • Supporting idea:
          • To gain a competitive edge, private companies invest in research and development to create new and improved treatments. 
          • This drive for innovation leads to the development of diverse therapeutic options for consumers.

Các khóa học IELTS online 1 kèm 1 - 100% cam kết đạt target 6.0 - 7.0 - 8.0

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