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Tổng hợp đề thi thật IELTS WRITING GENERAL TASK 2 NĂM 2021-2022-2023

November 11, 2023

Bên cạnh PHÂN TÍCH ĐỀ THI THẬT TASK 1 (Complaint letter) NGÀY 04/8/2020 IELTS WRITING GENERAL MÁY TÍNH (kèm bài được sửa hs đi thi), IELTS TUTOR Tổng hợp đề thi thật IELTS WRITING GENERAL TASK 2 NĂM 2021-2022-2023

I. Giới thiệu chung


  • Đề thi IELTS WRITING TASK 2 của GENERAL sẽ bao quanh những vấn đề trong đời sống (nhà trường - cha mẹ - con trẻ và các vấn đề xã hội quen thuộc khác)

II. Đề thi thật IELTS WRITING GENERAL TASK 2 NĂM 2021-2022-2023

1. Năm 2021

1.1. Tháng 1/2021

  • Some people say that the Olympic Games no longer play a role in the 21st century. Do you agree or disagree?
  • Nowadays people are spending more time watching movies. Why is this happening? Is it a positive or a negative development?

1.2. Tháng 2/2021

  • The developments in technology allow more and more machines to be used rather than human employees. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
  • Many culture around the world are becoming more similar. What do you think are the reasons for it? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development? 
  • Nowadays cultures around the world are becoming more and more similar, as compared to the past. What are the reasons for this? Is this a positive or negative development?

1.3. Tháng 3/2021

  • Some people believe that nowadays too much money is being spent on weddings and birthdays. Why do you think it is happening? What can be done to improve the situation? 
  • In many countries, the legal driving age is 18 years old. Some people believe it is the right age to learn how to drive a car, whereas others say that the minimun age should be 25. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 
  • Today due to advanced medicine people are living longer. Because of this older people are projected to outnumber younger people. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? 
  • Some people say that playing sports helps to prepare children for their future work, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 
  • Some people think that the government should spend taxpayers’ funds on cultural activities such as music or art. Others think this is a wate of money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

1.4. Tháng 4/2021

  • The adverse effect of sugar on health is well known to the public now. Some believe that the government should control the amount of sugar people consume. Others think that it is the responsibility of an individual to monitor ther sugar intake. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  • Nowadays many mothers take care of the family and don’t go out to work. Some people believe they should be given salaries by the government. Do you agree or disagree?
  • Some people think that parents should limit the hours their children spend watching TV and playing computer games and encourage them to read books instead. Do you agree or disagree?

1.5. Tháng 5/2021

  • Some people say that with the new technology there is no need to develop handwriting skills anymore. Others believe that it is still necessary to teach handwriting. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. 
  • Nowadays in many countries traditional customs are less popular than in the past. Do you agree or disagree? What can parents and teachers do about this?

1.6. Tháng 6/2021

  • In many countries, as people are earning more these days they are also spending more money, buying more and more things. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development? 
  • Some parents think that helping their children with homework is a good idea. Others believe children should do their homework on their own. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  • Some people think that children should follow their parents’ advice, however, others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 
  • Many people believe that individuals over 65 should not be allowed to continue working. Others think that people should be allowed to work for as long as they choose. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

1.7. Tháng 7/2021

  • Some people think that school children need to learn practical skills such as car maintenance or bank account management along with the academic subjects at school. Do you agree or disagree? 
  • Some people think that teenagers should be required to do unpaid community work in their free time. They believe this would benefit teenagers and the society. What is your opinion? 
  • Nowadays a lot of importance is given to the dress and appearance of celebrities; however, some people feel it is completely unnecessary. What is your opinion?

1.8. Tháng 8/2021

  • In many countries, the number of juvenile crimes are increasing. What are the causes? How can parents and teachers help prevent youth crime? 
  • Nowadays children spend more time on their phones. Some people think it is a good idea while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

1.9. Tháng 9/2021

  • Many people like having a fixed daily routine, while others enjoy change in their lives. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 
  • Some say that modern technology is giving people more free time, while others think it is making them busier. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 
  • These days world leaders of all kinds are younger than in the past. What are the reasons? Is this a negative or a positive trend?

1.10. Tháng 10/2021

  • Discipline is a growing problem in modern schools. Some people think that parents should discipline their own children, while others think it should be the responsibility of the government. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 
  • Some people say that television should be mainly used to educate and inform viewers, while others believe it should be used for entertainment. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

1.11. Tháng 11/2021

  • Today’s teenagers struggle with many social issues. Some people think that this is because their parents are spending more time at work than at home. Do you agree or disagree?

1.12. Tháng 12/2021

  • Some people think that teachers require training to become good at their profession. Others think a good teacher has all the necessary qualities and does not need any training. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

2. Năm 2022

2.1. Tháng 1/2022

  • Some people think that TV advertisements can be useful for viewers, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 
  • Nowadays, many people do not exercise enough and eat an unhealthy diet. Why is this happening? What can be done to help them improve their lifestyle? 
  • Some people believe that parents should pay their children for doing household chores such as cleaning or washing dishes, while other disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 
  • Some people believe that schoolchildren should be allowed to make decisions about the school rules, while others think that teachers should be responsible for making the rules. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 
  • These days, many people like to watch live performaces (such as shows or concerts) at home, either on TV or on a computer, instead of attending in-person. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages? 
  • Some people think that visiting museums and art galleries is the best way to learn about art, while others believe that there are better ways of doing that. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

3. Năm 2023

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