Phân tích & Sửa bài"Some people believe that the care of elderly people should be a priority of government spending. Others believe that government spending should focus more on young people, especially on their education. Discuss both views and give your opinion" IELTS WRITING TASK 2

· Writing

Bên cạnh Phân tích bài essay về "The number of visitors in the UK" IELTS WRITING TASK 1 (table), IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Phân tích đề"Some people believe that the care of elderly people should be a priority of government spending. Others believe that government spending should focus more on young people, especially on their education. Discuss both views and give your opinion" IELTS WRITING TASK 2

I. Đề bài

Some people believe that the care of elderly people should be a priority of government spending. Others believe that government spending should focus more on young people, especially on their education. Discuss both views and give your opinion

II. Kiến thức liên quan

IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Từ vựng topic old people IELTS


  • The aged = older population = the aged community = the elderly
  • The elderly generation: Thế hệ người già
  • To take a large proportion of responsibility: Lấy phần nhiều trách nhiệm
  • To provide a certain level of care: Cung cấp một mức độ quan tâm nhất định. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng động từ "provide" tiếng anh
  • Age pensions scheme: kế hoạch lương hưu
  • Get access to basic amenities: có thể trả tiền cho những nhu cầu thiết yếu
  • Nursing home = retirement home
  • Free healthcare and discounted medicine: Chăm sóc sức khỏe miễn phí và giảm giá thuốc thang
  • To care for and nurture: Quan tâm và nuôi dưỡng
  • The needs of the younger generation: Những nhu cầu của thế hệ trẻ
  • The backbone of a country’s economy: Xương sống của kinh tế quốc gia
  • To invest in their health and education: Đầu tư vào sức khỏe và giáo dục của họ (thế hệ trẻ)
  • The social life: cuộc sống được giao lưu với mọi người
  • Feeling isolated and depressed: thấy bị cô lập và cô đơn
  • Providing them a sense of community: cảm thấy được gắn bó quan tâm từ cộng đồng
  • Education reform : cải cách giáo dục
  • Deliver a fairer society : tạo ra một xã hội công bằng hơn. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng danh từ "society" tiếng anh
  • Secure the highest standards of education : bảo đảm những tiêu chuẩn giáo dục tốt nhất
  • Overcome challenges : vượt qua được thử thách
  • A well educated and civilized population : người dân được giáo dục tốt và văn minh
  • Capabilities : khả năng của bản thân
  • To continue to develop and prosper: Tiếp tục phát triển và thịnh vượng
  • An intelligent and healthy population: Dân số khỏe mạnh và thông minh
  • An ethical and positive manner: Một cách tích cực và có đạo đức
  • A competent workforce : một nguồn lao động chất lượng
  • Productivity increases : năng suất tăng
  • Average income increases : lương trung bình tăng

III. Phân tích


  • Dạng discuss both views có thể bố cục bài như sau:
    • Body 1: Viết về quan điểm 1 “Some people believe that the care of elderly people should be a priority of government spending”
      • Main idea 1: Old people spent their lives helping build their country and its economy to make it a better place for those who come after them. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng từ "after" tiếng anh
        • Supporting idea: Without the hard work of those citizens, the country would not be where it is today, and therefore they should be taken care of to a certain extent, including free healthcare and discounted medicine (HOẶC: Past generations often had to work longer hours at more difficult jobs to build the modern infrastructure and political and economic systems now taken for granted)
        • Example: 
      • Main idea 2: As these people age, many of them struggle with paying the bills if they do not have a supportive, financially stable family. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng tính từ "stable" tiếng anh
        • Supporting idea: They might not be able to work anymore so it therefore falls to the government to find ways of taking care of them ranging from retirement homes to monthly checks for living expenses to being aware of how policy changes might affect older people (hoặc: the age pensions scheme can help the aged community who could no longer earn money get access to basic amenities in life, including accommodation, food, and medical care)
        • Example: 
    • Body 2: Viết về quan điểm 2 “Others believe that government spending should focus more on young people, especially on their education” & nêu rõ mình ủng hộ quan điểm này 
      • Main idea 1: The government should invest in young people’s education to make sure the country continues to develop and prosper in the future with an intelligent population. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Từ vựng topic "Intelligence" IELTS SPEAKING 
        • Supporting idea: They will be the backbone of a country’s economy in the future
        • Example: 
      • Main idea 2: The entire society would benefit significantly from a well educated and civilized population (HOẶC: money spent on education not only contributes to producing jobs in the short-term and stimulating the consumer economy, but the results years later of a well-educated populace will benefit political participation, the economy, safety, and a host of other areas)
        • Supporting idea: When all students have the opportunity to develop their own talents and capabilities, they would become a competent workforce >> productivity increases, average income increases, and unemployment decreases. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Từ vựng topic Unemployment IELTS
        • Example: 

    IV. Sửa bài viết HS IELTS TUTOR

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