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Phân tích"The developments in technology allow more and more machines to be used rather than human employees. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?"IELTS WRITING GENERAL TRAINING TASK 2

November 11, 2023

Bên cạnh Phân tích bài essay về "The number of visitors in the UK" IELTS WRITING TASK 1 (table), IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Phân tích"The developments in technology allow more and more machines to be used rather than human employees. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?"IELTS WRITING GENERAL TRAINING TASK 2

I. Đề bài

The developments in technology allow more and more machines to be used rather than human employees. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

II. Kiến thức liên quan

IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn:

III. Phân tích

  • Dạng outweigh thì đã rất quen thuộc với các bạn học sinh lớp IELTS ONLINE WRITING 1 KÈM 1 của IELTS TUTOR rồi nhé.
  • Dạng outweigh có 2 cách làm tuỳ theo target mình hướng đến:
    • Cách 1: Theo hướng Totally (disadvantages>advantages)
      • Body 1: Nêu lí do thứ 1 vì sao disadvantages>advantages
        • Main idea: The delegation of various mechanical tasks to robots is likely to give rise to greater unemployment figures. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng tính từ "various" tiếng anh 
          • Supporting idea: In the workplace, especially in manufacturing, millions of workers worldwide, particularly unskilled ones, would lose their jobs to cutting-edge robotic systems. (IELTS TUTOR gợi ý cách diễn đạt: Currently, large numbers of manual workers are being replaced by cutting-edge robotics systems in numerous factories around the world)
          • Example: 
            • For example, fully automated processes have already taken over monotonous jobs such as assembly-line workers or bank tellers in many developed countries such as the United States.
            • For instance, thousands of Chinese assembly workers at FoxConn, a major manufacturer of Apple products, have recently been made redundant after the company adopted a fully automated process that minimizes the need for a skilled and unskilled human labor supply.
      • Body 2: Nêu lí do thứ 2 vì sao disadvantages>advantages
        • Main idea: At home, This tendendy may lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which results in some health problems such as obesity in the long term. >> IELTS UTOR lưu ý Cách dùng cụm in the long run​/​term/in the short term
          • Supporting idea: People are becoming overly dependent on technological assistance to deal with various household chores such as cleaning or washing dishes. 
          • Example: 
    • Cách 2: Theo hướng Partly (partly - CHỈ RIÊNG với dạng OUTWEIGH này thì nếu target 7.0 có thể viết còn các dạng khác không nên viết partly nhé) 
      • Intro câu 2, advantages = disadvantages (this trend could have positive and negative consequences in equal measures)
      • Body 1: On the one hand, viết về advantages 
        • Main idea 1: humans can be liberated from mundane manual labor in favour of more innovative work. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng " in favour of sth/sb" tiếng anh 
          • Supporting idea: 
            • In other words, people can be freed to concentrate on what they excel at such as adapting to changing situations or coming up with creative solutions to problems rather than time-wasting labor-intensive tasks.
            • At homes, the situation is similar as robots may be able to take over chores such as washing the dishing and cleaning, freeing up individuals to focus on more pleasurable pastimes. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng danh từ "individual" tiếng anh 
          • Example: 
        • Main idea 2: As artificial intelligence becomes more self-sufficient it is likely that companies will be able to increase efficiency and humans can prioritise the areas where they most excel.
          • Supporting idea: There are a range of responsibilities being carried out by humans that could be done by robots ranging from the transportation of goods and photocopying to slightly more robust tasks such as data input and security.
          • Example: 
      • Body 2: On the other hand, viết về disadvantages 
        • Main idea 1: The delegation of various mechanical tasks to robots is likely to give rise to greater unemployment figures. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng từ "likely" tiếng anh
          • Supporting idea: In the workplace, especially in manufacturing, millions of workers worldwide, particularly unskilled ones, would lose their jobs to cutting-edge robotic systems. (IELTS TUTOR gợi ý cách diễn đạt: Currently, large numbers of manual workers are being replaced by cutting-edge robotics systems in numerous factories around the world)
          • Example: 
            • For example, fully automated processes have already taken over monotonous jobs such as assembly-line workers or bank tellers in many developed countries such as the United States.
            • For instance, thousands of Chinese assembly workers at FoxConn, a major manufacturer of Apple products, have recently been made redundant after the company adopted a fully automated process that minimizes the need for a skilled and unskilled human labor supply.
        • Main idea 2: At home, This tendendy may lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which results in some health problems such as obesity in the long term. >> IELTS TUTOR gợi ý Paraphrase từ "lead to/cause" tiếng anh
          • Supporting idea: People are becoming overly dependent on technological assistance to deal with various household chores such as cleaning or washing dishes. 
          • Example: 

Các khóa học IELTS online 1 kèm 1 - 100% cam kết đạt target 6.0 - 7.0 - 8.0

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