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Phân tích "Some people think that a good diet and exercise are not necessary for a health and long life. What extent do you agree or disagree?" IELTS WRITING TASK 2

October 22, 2023

Bên cạnh PHÂN TÍCH ĐỀ THI 30/5/2020"Some education systems make students focus on certain subjects at the age of 15, while others require students to study a wide range of subjects until they leave school. What are the benefits of each system? Which is better?"IELTS WRITING TASK 2 (kèm bài sửa HS đạt 6.5), IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Phân tích "Some people think that a good diet and exercise are not necessary for a health and long life. What extent do you agree or disagree?" IELTS WRITING TASK 2

I. Đề bài

Some people think that a good diet and exercise are not necessary for a health and long life. What extent do you agree or disagree?

II. Kiến thức liên quan

III. Phân tích

  • Dạng opinion essay thì đã rất quen thuộc với các bạn học sinh lớp IELTS ONLINE WRITING 1 KÈM 1 của IELTS TUTOR rồi nhé
  • Dạng opinion essay, nếu theo hướng TOTALLY DISAGREE có thể bố cục bài như sau:
    • Body 1: Nêu lí do thứ 1 vì sao TOTALLY DISAGREE
      • Main idea: (Viết về a good diet) A well-balanced diet provides the body with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals required for its proper functioning. 
        • Supporting idea: 
        • Example: My friend - Sarah, initially active and athletic, consumed processed foods and sugary drinks, believing her high activity level could compensate. However, feeling constantly tired and weak, and falling ill frequently, a doctor's visit revealed the importance of a balanced diet for overall health and longevity. Sarah made dietary changes, opting for fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, leading to improved energy, reduced illness, weight loss, and increased self-confidence in a matter of weeks.
    • Body 2: Nêu lí do thứ 2 vì sao TOTALLY DISAGREE
      • Main idea:  (Viết về exercise) Engaging in regular exercise is fundamental for maintaining physical health and fitness. 
        • Supporting idea: 
        • Example: At 45 years old, overweight, with high blood pressure and a family history of heart disease, my uncle - John followed his doctor's advice to exercise regularly, initially starting with 30-minute walks three times a week, eventually progressing to running for 30 minutes five days a week, resulting in weight loss, lowered blood pressure, improved well-being, increased energy, and reduced stress.

Các khóa học IELTS online 1 kèm 1 - 100% cam kết đạt target 6.0 - 7.0 - 8.0

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