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Phân tích "Some people think developing country should invite large foreign company to open office and factory to grow their economies. Other people think the developing country should keep the large company out and develop local company instead. Discuss and give your own opinion." IELTS WRITING TASK 2

June 16, 2023

Bên cạnh Phân tích & Sửa đề"Traffic and accommodation problems are increasing and the government should encourage some businesses to move from cities to rural areas. Does the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?" (ngày21/11/2020), IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Phân tích "Some people think developing country should invite large foreign company to open office and factory to grow their economies. Other people think the developing country should keep the large company out and develop local company instead. Discuss and give your own opinion." IELTS WRITING TASK 2.

I. Đề bài

Some people think developing country should invite large foreign company to open office and factory to grow their economies. Other people think the developing country should keep the large company out and develop local company instead. Discuss and give your own opinion.

II. Kiến thức liên quan

IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn:

III. Phân tích

  • Dạng discuss both views thì đã rất quen thuộc với các bạn học sinh lớp IELTS ONLINE WRITING 1 KÈM 1 của IELTS TUTOR rồi nhé.
  • Dạng discuss both views có thể bố cục bài như sau:
    • Body 1: Viết về quan điểm Other people think the developing country should keep the large company out and develop local company instead
      • Main idea: Supporting local companies helps in developing and nurturing domestic industries, promoting innovation, and preserving cultural identity and values.
        • Supporting idea: 
          • Local companies contribute to economic resilience by diversifying the economy and reducing dependence on foreign companies. >> IELTS TUTOR PHÂN BIỆT "ECONOMY, ECONOMIC, ECONOMICS
          • A strong domestic industry can withstand economic fluctuations and provide stability in times of global economic uncertainty.
        • Example: During the global financial crisis, Germany's network of small and medium-sized companies (Mittelstand) played a crucial role in the country's economic resilience. Their diverse range of industries and ability to adapt helped reduce dependence on foreign companies and provide stability during uncertain times.
    • Body 2: Viết về quan điểm Some people think developing country should invite large foreign company to open office and factory to grow their economies. & nêu rõ mình ủng hộ quan điểm này 
      • Main idea 1: Foreign companies can contribute to the growth of the local economy by creating jobs, stimulating investment, and boosting export opportunities.
        • Supporting idea: 
          • When foreign companies establish operations in a country, they often create job opportunities for the local workforce. 
          • This leads to increased employment rates and improved economic conditions for the local population. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng danh từ "employment" tiếng anh
        • Example: Samsung's investment in Vietnam has created thousands of jobs for locals, stimulated investment in the local supply chain, and boosted the country's export opportunities, contributing to the growth of the local economy.
      • Main idea 2: Collaborating with foreign companies can facilitate the transfer of advanced technologies, knowledge, and expertise, which can enhance local industries and increase competitiveness.
        • Supporting idea: 
          • When local companies collaborate with foreign companies, they can gain access to advanced technologies, specialized knowledge, and best practices that may not be readily available in the local market. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng danh từ "knowledge" tiếng anh
          • This transfer of technology and knowledge can occur through various means such as joint ventures, partnerships, or technology licensing agreements.
        • Example: VinFast collaborated with BMW to leverage their expertise in automotive manufacturing and technology. Through this collaboration, VinFast gained access to BMW's advanced automotive technologies, including electric vehicle platforms and drivetrain systems. This partnership enabled VinFast to accelerate their development and production of electric vehicles, leveraging BMW's established know-how and experience in the industry.

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